Monday, July 8, 2013

Two Weeks and Counting...

Wow! I cannot believe that in exactly two weeks from today, we will be en route to London! It seemed so far away for so long, and now, our trip is almost here! I cannot say emphatically enough how very excited and honored I am to share Europe with you all (especially my beloved Paris!) 
We should be getting our hotel information any day now, and the moment it is emailed to me, I will post it for you all to see, so keep your eye out for that forthcoming information.
To get ready for France, for the next two weeks, I am going to post a French word/phrase of the day...nothing complicated, just things that will come in very handy. Especially if you don't take French! I will include a phonetic guide and English translation, too.
Today...very easy. We'll start with greeting people:

In the morning/early afternoon: bonjour /bohn-zhur/ (good day)
In the late afternoon/evening: bonsoir /bohn-swahr/ (good evening)
At night (bedtime): bonne nuit /bun-nwee/ (good night)

You may hear someone say salut /sahl-lew(t)/ (the t in parenthesis is a soft t...almost like you start to say the "tuh" sound, but stop short). Literally "hi," this is an informal way to greet someone. You can respond in kind, but when initiating the greeting to people other than your clerks, waitstaff (in general, people older than you) use the more formal is always better to be polite (the French like their manners!)
So, as you walk around greet your family in French at different times of the day to practice. They will be so pleased that their hard earned money is being well spent on teaching you to say hello in French!

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