Sunday, July 22, 2012

Let the Countdown Begin!

31,536,000 seconds. 525,600 minutes. 8,760 hours. 365 days. 12 months. 1 year. It might sound like a lot - especially when you're waiting for something completely amazing. But in one year from today, we will be leaving for our next trip to Europe!  Yes, in one year, we will bid au revoir to our loved ones, hop on a charter bus to JFK Airport, and take off across the Atlantic to begin the adventure of a lifetime - 10 days in London, Normandy, and Paris!

I have not been to London since 2007 and am very excited to go back! We will be visiting some amazing places that I did not get to visit the last time (the National Gallery and Westminster Abbey are at the top of my list!) I think that Bill and I are most excited to take those who wish to go on the HP Tour...we will get to see Diagon Alley (Leadenhall Market to Muggles), not to mention go to Platform 9 3/4 at King's Cross Station! There are some great photo ops there, so get your cameras ready! Some great dining opportunities also await us in England. Of course we will have the obligatory  and delicious fish & chips, but I have also requested we eat Indian food one night. There is a huge Indian influence in London (remember India was part of the British Empire...) and we will get to see a little of that during our visit.

Of course it goes without saying that I am beside myself to go back to France. It has been three years since I've been to Normandy, and one year since I've been in Paris. Anyone who has spent five minutes with me has no doubt tolerated my waxing obsessive about Paris, and it seems I will have to hold off a few months more to be there again. Bill and I will actually be going to a teacher's convention there in January. I will be sure to post some blogs and photos. I've never experience Paris in the cold of winter, so it will be strange to walk around in a heavy coat and boots as opposed to sundresses and sandals. Yeah, you feel really sorry for me, I know.

Periodically over the next year, I will post some thoughts, links, suggestions of books or articles to read and movies to watch to prepare for our trip. The movies I have already listed, (to the right) which take place in London, Paris or Normandy, may or may not be historically accurate.  The point is mostly to give you a glimpse of the places we are going across different time periods. And if you come across anything you think we might all enjoy, please post it (or email it to Mr. Switala or me and I'll make sure it gets posted). 

Last but not least, I would recommend that you become a follower of this blog or sign up for emails so that you don't miss anything. I would also recommend that your parents sign up - when we are in Europe, this is a great way for them to keep in touch with what you are doing as I post nearly every day that we are away. 

Until the next time...Cheerio!